Home shows and events are a great source of new business for your remodeling company. You get the opportunity to present your business in front of crowds of homeowners, any one of whom might be a great fit for your services. As a bonus, meeting your staff face-to-face establishes a relationship which is just the foundation that you want to do business.

The only problem with home shows is that there is a mismatch. You go to the home show to impress homeowners with your handiwork and to win new customers. Homeowners don’t go to the home show with a plan to buy your services, though! You need a way to bring your potential customer to your booth to start the discussion. The little freebies you give away at the home show are a great way to bridge the gap and bring homeowners over to talk with you!

3 Qualities of a Great Home Show Handout

  • A great handout is useful. When a customer sees it, they want to come over and ask you for one. What a great opportunity to strike up a conversation and build some rapport!
  • In a perfect world, your handout will sit around and remind your customer about your services. So your handout has to be durable, the sort of thing that will still be useful months from now!
  • The ideal handout is affordable. You’ll be meeting hundreds of homeowners, so pick handouts that are affordable at around a dollar each!

7 Ideas for Great Home Show Handouts

Anything you buy should be branded with your company name and either your phone number or your website. After that, the sky is the limit! Here are some of the ideas we’ve seen work for our dealers:

  • Screwdrivers. Have you ever thrown out a hand tool? Neither have we!
  • Tape measures. You can say you have attention to detail, but these are your physical proof.
  • Chip clips. Totally indestructible, and useful in every household.
  • Magnets. No need to reinvent the wheel, a branded magnet will sit on the fridge forever!
  • Bottle openers. A handy little tool that can sit with your customer’s keys.
  • Water bottles. Good for the environment, and good for your branding. Everyone needs one!
  • Jar grippers. Talk about handy! These just sit around in the kitchen, making themselves useful.

There you have it! Here are 7 solid examples of the sort of handouts that will make your job at the home show easier. Interested in partnering with a manufacturer who gives you the marketing resources you need to grow your business? Get in touch to find out more about having EcoView Windows in your corner!